Frequently Asked Questions
What is included in the admissions policy?
Applicants are placed on The Cedars’ discovery list according to the date the original inquiry is received.
Applicants for licensed care will normally be 55 or more years of age. The interdisciplinary team will consider exceptions.
The application must be completed honestly and in detail. Applicants for licensed health care must have a responsible party (primary contact) or legal guardian.
The application will include complete financial disclosure to determine the ability to cover the cost of care. Applicants for licensed health care must have a financial contact person legal guardian.
Applicants with limited resources need to demonstrate an assurance that the applicant will be eligible for Medicaid assistance and that the financial contact or guardian will make a timely application for such programs.
Residents are expected to live in harmony with each other and those providing their care. The Cedars has special programs, staffing, and facilities to help residents to do this, but in the final analysis, peace and harmony must be maintained.
Applicants for licensed health care need to submit a medical history and have a current physical examination administered no more than 30 days before admission. Law requires a Mantoux test and chest x-ray. The chest x-ray must be less than six months old. Laboratory tests or psychological testing may be required by the facility.
Applicants for health care services must comply with the Indiana Pre-Admission Screening, or PAS, program requirements. The PAS process is required by stat law in Indiana before admission to a nursing facility in order to determine if nursing facility placement is appropriate.
Applicants will comply with state and federal licensure requirements for admission. The Cedars interdisciplinary team makes the final decision whether or not applicants’ needs can be met at The Cedars.
Applicants will not be denied admission based on race, color, national origin, sex, or handicap.
How are rooms assigned?
Prior to admission, an assessment of needs for each applicant determines his/her level of care and assures the best possible placement within the retirement complex. The admission team determines the level of care and room assignment. Personal preferences are taken into consideration.
What services are charged to the resident?
Medical related services such as laboratory test, x-rays, and professional transportation are charged to the resident. When a resident must be hospitalized, all hospital charges and doctor’s services are billed separately to the resident.
Residents in the nursing care areas are required to be seen by their physician once every thirty (30) days for the first ninety (90) days and every sixty (60) days thereafter unless the doctor deems this frequency of visits unnecessary and may spread the medical visits out as much as every six (6) months.